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Lichtskulpturen - Erneuerung durch Zerstörung

Klare Rahmen, Symbolik der scheinbaren Sicherheit eines strukturierten Lebens.


Wie dramatisch erscheint die beginnende Befreiung mittels Zerstörung, ausgelöst durch

Impulse im Inneren und Äußeren.


Unterstrichen wird dieser Moment der explosiven Veränderung durch Licht und Schatten,

weit über die Grenzen des Objekts in den umgebenden Raum.


Gewundene, rein glänzende Drähte.

Symbolik für dem Objekt innewohnende, gefangene Energie und der Expansion von

Gefühlen und Gedanken.


Hier soll sich dem Betrachter die Möglichkeit der Visualisierung seiner eigenen aktuellen,

vergangenen oder kommenden Lebenssituation bieten.


Eine Chance, Veränderung durch aufbrechen vorhandener festgefügter Lebenskonzepte

herbeizuführen oder zuzulassen.


Katharsis, die Befreiung durch Umbruch und der damit verbundenen Entdeckung neuer

Lebensbereiche – bis zur erneuten Expansion.


Für mich als Schaffender ist hier die positive Sichtweise der Erneuerung auf Basis bereits

erreichter Entwicklung wichtig, Veränderung im Leben nicht immer als bedrohlich zu

empfinden existentiell.

" crasy wood "  Serie No.104
" crasy wood "  Serie No.104
" sifted thoughts " No.25
" sifted thoughts " No.25
" sifted thoughts " No.22
" sifted thoughts " No.22
" crasy wood "  Serie No.103
" crasy wood "  Serie No.103
" crasy wood "  Serie No.101
" crasy wood "  Serie No.101
" planet "  Serie No.20
" planet "  Serie No.20
" flashing planet "  No.1
" flashing planet "  No.1
" crasy wood "  Serie No.102
" crasy wood "  Serie No.102
" sifted thoughts " No.21
" sifted thoughts " No.21
" memory returns " No.5
" memory returns " No.5
" sifted thoughts " No.20
" sifted thoughts " No.20
Kleines Format   ca. 31 x 15 cm
Kleines Format   ca. 31 x 15 cm
" deep blue "
" sifted thoughts " No.18
" sifted thoughts " No.18
o.T.   Nr. 23
o.T.   Nr. 23
" little buddha " No. 10
" little buddha " No. 10
o.T.   Nr. 30
o.T.   Nr. 30
" sifted thoughts " No.10
" sifted thoughts " No.10
" flying " No.3
" flying " No.3
" sifted thoughts " No.8
" sifted thoughts " No.8
" flying wood " No.1
" flying wood " No.1
o.T.   Nr. 22
o.T.   Nr. 22
" little red moon "
" little red moon "
" sifted thoughts " No.16
" sifted thoughts " No.16
o.T.   Nr. 21
o.T.   Nr. 21
" little silver moon "
" little silver moon "
" sifted thoughts " No.15
" sifted thoughts " No.15
" memory returns "
" memory returns "
" red moon "  No. 3
" red moon "  No. 3
" escape planet " No.1
" escape planet " No.1
" sifted thoughts " No.17
" sifted thoughts " No.17
" sifted thoughts " No.16
" sifted thoughts " No.16
" planet transfer " No.2
" planet transfer " No.2
o.T.   Nr. 20
o.T.   Nr.20
o.T.   Nr.16
o.T.   Nr.16
o.T.   Nr.15
o.T.   Nr.15
" sifted thoughts " No.16
" sifted thoughts " No.16
" red moon "  No. 2
" red moon "  No. 2
" sifted thoughts " No.15
" sifted thoughts " No.15
o.T.   Nr.15
o.T.   Nr.15
o.T.   Nr.14
o.T.   Nr.14
" escape " No.12
" sifted thoughts " No.11
o.T.   Nr.12
o.T.   Nr.12
" big planet transfer "  No.22
" big planet transfer "  No.22
" crasy wood "  Serie No.17
" crasy wood "  Serie No.17
o.T.   Nr.12
o.T.   Nr.12
o.T.   Nr.11
o.T.   Nr.11
o.T.   Nr.100
o.T.   Nr.100
" shield "
" shield "
" lead frame " Serie No.2
" lead frame " Serie No.2
" big buddha " Serie No.3
" big buddha " Serie No.3
" still standing "  No. 5
" still standing "  No 5
" hold tight "
" hold tight "
" silver & steel "  Holzfuss
" silver & steel "  Holzfuss
" red moon "
" red moon "
" think big "
" think big "
" crasy wood "  Serie No.16
" crasy wood "  Serie No.16
" triple "
" triple "
" big planet transfer "
" big planet transfer "
" escape " No.2
" escape " No.2
" planet transfer "
" planet transfer "
" twister "
" twister "
" judgment day " No.3
" judgment day " No.3
" sifted thoughts " No.9
" sifted thoughts " No.9
" flying " No.2
" flying " N0.2
" judgment day "
" judgment day "
" judgement day "
" judgment day "
" crasy wood "  Serie No.15
" crasy wood "  Serie No.15
" organic red " Serie No.1
" organic red " Serie No.1
" crasy wood "  Serie No.14
" crasy wood "  Serie No.14
" sifted thoughts " No.7
" sifted thoughts " No.7
" crasy wood "  Serie No.11
" crasy wood "  Serie No.11
" sifted thoughts " No.6
" sifted thoughts " No.6
" crasy wood "  Serie No.12
" crasy wood "  Serie No.12
" crasy wood "  Serie No.10
" crasy wood "  Serie No.10
" crasy wood "  Serie No.10
" crasy wood "  Serie No.10
" little buddha " No. 4
" little buddha " No. 4
" crasy wood "  Serie No.9
" crasy wood "  Serie No.9
" spaceballs " No.2
" spaceballs " No.2
" crasy wood "  Serie No.8
" crasy wood "  Serie No.8
" crasy wood "  Serie No.7
" crasy wood "  Serie No.7
" crasy wood "  Serie No.6
" crasy wood "  Serie No.6
" crasy wood "  Serie No.4
" crasy wood "  Serie No.4
" spaceballs "
" spaceballs "
" planet "  Serie No.2
" planet "  Serie No.2
" planet "  Serie No.1
" planet "  Serie No.1
" sifted thoughts " No.5
" sifted thoughts " No.5
" golden net "
" golden net "    Detail
" sifted thoughts " No.4
" sifted thoughts " No.4
" crasy wood "  Serie No.3
" crasy wood "  Serie No.3
" sifted thoughts " No.3
" sifted thoughts " No.3
" behind "  Serie red  No.2
" behind "  Serie red  No.2
" crasy wood "  Serie No.2
" crasy wood "  Serie No.2
" silver & steel "
" silver & steel "
" behind "  Serie red  No.1
" behind "  Serie red  No.1
" behind "
" behind "
" lead frame " Serie No.1
" lead frame " Serie No.1
" sifted thoughts " No.2
" sifted thoughts " No.2
Serie " wood "  No.14
Serie " wood "  No.14
" still standing "  No.2
" still standing "
" qué vendrá "
" qué vendrá "
" net "
Detail " net "
" O.B. "
" O.B. "
" attachment "
" attachment "
" sifted thoughts "
" deep blue rising "
" deep blue rising "
" standing wood "
Detail " standing wood "
Detail " standing wood "
" open "
" open "
" big buddha "
" big buddha "
" cubes " No. 2
" little buddha " No. 2
" cubes "
" flying "
" dusty stripe "
" wood arc No.1 "
" wood "
" change "
" connection "
" double "
" double "
" midnight lightning "
" a change is gonna come "
" a change is gonna come "
" a change is gonna come "
" sheltered "
" connection "
" Arc No.1 "
" escape " No.4
" silver dream steel "
" Arc No.2 "
" ice cubes "
" save your base "
" dusty bubbels "
" living in a box "
" escape "
" escape " No.3
" blue - sky is no limit "
" escape " No.2
" ice cubes "
" escape "
" silver cut - sky is no limit "
" think ! "
" silver - sky is no limit "
" silver - sky is no limit "
" three thoughts "
" upside down "
" upside down "  Detail
" stairway to heaven "
" torn apart "
" two blue "
" two blue "  Detail
" two square "
" silver - sky is no limit "
" Silver Dream "
" Silver Dream "
" disc "
" disc "  Detail
" disc "
" silver & steel "


Tel: 0172 7687019

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